Howard Arman

Howard Arman is an English conductor whose repertoire encompasses opera, major symphonic repertoire and choral work spanning four centuries. He is the recipient of the 1996 Handel Music Prize of the Handel Festival, Halle, where he has conducted numerous works of Georg Frideric Handel.  Until the 2015/16 season he served as the Principal Conductor of the Theater and Philharmonie Thüringen and as the General Music Director for the Luzerner Theater.

Howard Arman studied at the Trinity College of Music. He first worked with leading British ensembles, but moved to Austria and Germany in 1981. Arman has conducted (among others) the radio choirs of the Norddeutscher Rundfunk, the Südwestrundfunk, the Österreichischer Rundfunk and the RIAS Kammerchor. From 1983 to 2000 he was the leader of the Salzburger Bach-Chor and served as the director and artistic leader of the MDR-Rundfunkchor, the choir of the Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk (MDR). He was general music director of Theater and Philharmonie Thüringen for the 2010/2011 season and musical director of the Luzerner Theater for three years from the 2011/12 season. Presently, Maestro Arman is the Chief Conductor of the Bayerischer Rundfunk Chor.

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Robert Gilder
Managing Director